5 Videos That Every Company Needs

Video production has been a go-to strategy for businesses looking to grow their exposure and customer base since the boom of the age of television. There’s a reason why television ads account for over $70 billion in spending every year (Forbes). Research has proven that storytelling is more engaging to the mind of a consumer than the presentation of facts (NY Times).

There was a time when only those with large budgets to purchase time on television could take advantage the art of storytelling through video.

But not anymore.

The digital age has provided a platform for companies to every size to seize the opportunities and benefits of video production at a cost that 20 years ago seemed impossible. That’s one of the reasons why last year, America’s total spend for digital advertising exceeded television advertising for the first time in history (Forbes).

That being said, if your company, big or small, doesn’t have at least the minimum amount of videos then your competitors already have a leg up on you.

So what are the videos that your brand needs to be competitive in 2017 and 2018?

As a New Jersey video production company, we at Walnut Media have had year of experience creating and tracking the best kind of marketing videos. Combining our experience with the recommendations of our friends in the industry, we’ve come up with this list of must-have videos for any business.


1. About Us video

You know how you never really find out what someone is all about until you meet them in person? The same goes for your business. An About Us video is the most personal, important introduction your brand can make to potential customers, partners and investors.

It allows you explain what you do, tell your story, introduce your staff and make a personal impact all in one.

Important elements to have:


i. On-camera personnel

Having members of your team, preferably the owner, president or general manager in addition to the other staff is like getting an in-person sales meeting with the entire world. It allows you to, in your own words, explain the strengths of your company.

The personality of your brand and your team also shine through in these interviews. You forge a personal connection with the viewer and if done well, they are not likely to forget your message.


ii. The right music

Music makes a strong immediate impact of a listener. Think about how to react when one of your favorite songs comes on the radio compared to one that you hate.

It’s important to make sure that the music in your video isn’t driving the wrong emotion into your viewer.

There are numerous online marketplaces where you can find corporate music with tried-and-true styles and compositions. Pond5 is a great one.


iii. B-Roll

The industry term is B-roll, but for the purposes of your About Us video this is A-roll, because every shot is important.

This footage is going to show what you’re business is all about.

If you have a storefront, make sure you film your location and merchandise. If you’re a software company, be sure to include some screen captures of your best products in action. If you’re an event promoter or organizer, be sure to include footage of the crowds you attract and if you’re a restaurant or other service industry show your business in action, interacting with your customers.

Which brings us to our next important element.


iv. Customer interaction.

There’s a reason why sales pitches always include a line referencing the other customers or clients that use your service. Customers and clients are shrewd and smart about how they spend their money. Why would they choose an unproven commodity when can pick a product or service that that know is trusted and used by others?

Be sure to show your customers enjoying your product. This allows the viewer to project themselves onto your customers and, if your video is strong, become one.


v. Logos

Making a branding video without including your logo defeats it’s own purpose. The whole point is to familiarize your brand to prospective customers and clients, so be sure to get the your logo in there. You can open and close with a logo on a simple card or place your logo on a burn in a corner of your video for the entire duration.

If you incorporate these elements with professional lighting, a strong video sense and tight editing you’re going to end up with a video that you’re proud to share with anyone.


2. Testimonial video

Authentic proof of concept goes such a long way when it comes to business.

Testimonial videos are glowing reviews packaged in the most pleasing, digestible type of content.

Online consumers are programmed to look for reviews about products or services before they buy, so have this available to them.

Find your most satisfied customer(s) and success stories and reach out to them. If they’re a client, they’ll see the value in cross-promotion. Reach out to them, let them know about your concept and see them jump at the opportunity to get involved with you on a more formal level.

If have a product or service there are always plenty of customers who like your product and have the personality to get on camera. It never hurts to make an offer in the form of a giveaway or coupon to entice a satisfied customer to share how they feel about your product.

The most important elements are:


Good interview lighting

The people sharing their testimonials now represent your brand. You want to show them in a flattering light (no pun intended).

It’s also good practice to always represent all on camera subjects with a strong professional setup.



Make sure your audience knows whom the subjects giving the testimonials are. If they are clients with their own businesses include their whole name and the name of their company. This lends credibility to your video. If they’re a customer, then use at least their first name to provide a valuable a personal touch.



Don’t let a great piece of content get jammed up with formalities. Whenever you put someone on camera to promote your product you must ask them to sign a waiver, allowing you to use their likeness. This can be hard to remember if you’re running the creative process, but no production, big or small, can exist without contracts and agreements. So make this a priority before you film.


3. Animated Explainer Video

The name says it all here. An explainer video is the best way to inform customers and clients to the specific uses, benefits and how-to’s of your products or services.

When it comes to explainer videos, 59% of marketers go the animated route while only 19% choose live-action video productions.

The reason is simple:

Animations are affiliated with entertainment while live-action demonstrations make viewers think that they’re watching a commercial or advertisement.

An animated explainer video allows you to make an emotional connection with your audience while at the same time promoting the specific functions and benefits of your brand.


4. Blog videos

Blog videos are where you what your company is doing on a month-to-month, week-to-week or even day-to-day basis. This is also a great place to update your current and potential customers and clients on industry news that’s important to understanding your brand. It’s important to keep your website relevant, too.

Here’s why:

For the last 6 years, Google has been implementing updates to their search algorithm that promotes sites that produce current, comprehensive, relevant news and de-ranks others.

Metrics like web traffic, time on site and great indicators that you have valuable information to share. The more relevant you are to searchers and consumers the better likelihood you have of being promoted for relevant searches on Google, getting more organic traffic and, in turn, more customers.

A blog video setup can be as simple as a green screen, 3 lights, a mic and a camera, but the benefits of increasing your credibility and visibility are invaluable.


5. Commercial/Viral Video

Wisdom would indicate that there’s no such thing as a magic bullet or get-rich-quick solution in business. But that’s not entirely true in advertising. One impactful video could take your brand to the next level. Just ask the guys at Dollar Shave Club.

The first four types of videos are the basic foundation of your video marketing; they will get you in line with your competitors and if done well, vault you over them in the public’s eyes.

But a viral video or commercial is where you shoot for the moon.

Concept is everything. People are captivated by content that is funny, content that is clever, content that is emotional, or content that is nostalgic. There are other elements of storytelling that attract viewing, but for the purpose of making a viral branded video one of these four buckets should fit perfectly.

Take some time and think of creative ideas, look at examples of other stellar viral videos and what made them tick.

If you need help with creating any of these videos or you have specific questions about video production, we’d love to help you grow your brand, create a concept or bring your vision to life.

Shoot us an email at Steve@walnutmediacompany.com.